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Новости посольства

Interview de S.E.Mme Martini dans Monaco Business
9 декабря 2021 г.

Interview de S.E.Mme Martini dans Monaco Business

S.E.Mme l’Ambassadeur a  accordé une interview à Monaco Business, le magazine Russe de la Principauté.
Подпись двустороннего Соглашения о признании дипломов

3 декабря 2021 г.

Подпись двустороннего Соглашения о признании дипломов

Официальный приём, организованный Послом Монако в Российской Федерации в Москве

16 сентября 2021 г.

Официальный приём, организованный Послом Монако в Российской Федерации в Москве

Ужин Послов

19 июля 2021 г.

Ужин Послов


Международные новости

GRECO: Fifth evaluation round The report welcomes Monaco's ongoing measures to combat corruption and calls upon the country to continue its efforts
24 июля 2024 г.

GRECO: Fifth evaluation round The report welcomes Monaco's ongoing measures to combat corruption and calls upon the country to continue its efforts

Vue Monaco depuis la Tête de Chien © Direction de la Communication On 21 June 2024, GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) approved Monaco's evaluation report for the fifth round, which covers preventing corruption and promoting integrity within central governments (senior executive roles) and law enforcement agencies (police services).This assessment follows a review of the anti-corruption regulations and an in-country visit by GRECO assessors in November 2023, something the Monegasque authorities spent several months preparing for.Monaco applauds the valuable discussions held with GRECO over the last few months and appreciates the Principality's specific characteristics being taken into consideration during the fifth evaluation round, which concludes with a series of recommendations concerning senior members of executive agencies and law enforcement agencies.The Monegasque authorities now have 18 months to submit a progress report on the measures being taken in response to the recommendations put forward.GRECO noted that the Monegasque authorities have already implemented anti-corruption regulations at the government level, appointed a compliance officer, established an ethics committee, produced a risk map and initiated a draft bill on whistleblowers.The Principality is committed to continuing its efforts and strengthening anti-corruption legislation without detriment to its institutions, as has been the case during the past decade of evaluation rounds.The Evaluation Report is available now on GRECO's website: www.coe.int/greco and on the Government portal: www.gouv.mc
The Minister of State represents Monaco at the 4th meeting of the European Political Community at Blenheim Palace (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom)
19 июля 2024 г.

The Minister of State represents Monaco at the 4th meeting of the European Political Community at Blenheim Palace (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom)

4ème réunion de la Communauté Politique Européenne 1 © Lauren Hurley - No 10 Downing Street A Monegasque delegation*, led by H.E. Mr Pierre Dartout, took part in the 4th meeting of the European Political Community, held yesterday at Blenheim Palace (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom), a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the birthplace of former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill.Sir Keir Steimer, the British Prime Minister, welcomed over forty Heads of State and Government, the President of the European Council, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Secretary General of NATO, the Secretary General of the OSCE and the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.Each of the European leaders reaffirmed their support for Ukraine. As with past summits, the aim was to strengthen cohesion and cooperation between all European countries on topical issues such as migration, protecting democracy and energy security. Délégation monégasque à Blenheim © DR H.E. Mr Pierre Dartout participated in a round table discussion on the theme of ‘energy and connectivity’ and took the opportunity to stress that "to overcome the energy crisis, we need to work towards diversifying energy sources. without neglecting the fight against climate change"The Minister of State also took the opportunity to hold discussions with his counterparts from Andorra and San Marino, and with the Prime Minister of Malta, Robert Abela, to reassert their close ties.To close the meeting, His Majesty King Charles III hosted a reception for all the leaders.The next edition of the European Political Community meetings will be held in November 2024, in Budapest, as part of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. *H.E. Mr Pierre Dartout was accompanied by Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadei, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, H.E. Ms Evelyne Genta, Monaco's Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, H.E. Mr Frédéric Labarrère, Ambassador, Head of Monaco's Mission to the European Union, and Ms Isabelle Costa, High Commissioner for European Affairs.   4ème réunion de la Communauté Politique Européenne 2 © Zara Farrar - No 10 Downing Street         Photo réunion tripartite Andorre - Saint Marin © DR             Entretien avec le Premier Ministre Maltais, Monsieur Robert ABELA © DR              S.E. Monsieur Pierre DARTOUT avec Sa Majesté le Roi Charles © No 10 Downing Street
Monaco participates in the 36th session of the UNESCO’s International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB-ICC) in Morocco
18 июля 2024 г.

Monaco participates in the 36th session of the UNESCO’s International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB-ICC) in Morocco

Monaco participe à la 36ème session du Conseil international de coordination du Programme sur l'Homme et la Biosphère (CIC-MAB) de l'UNESCO au Maroc 1 © ANDZOA Mrs Agatha Korczak, First Secretary of the Principality of Monaco's Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, attended the 36th session of UNESCO's International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB-ICC), held in Agadir, Morocco, from 1 to 5 July 2024.The session was opened by the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, and brought together more than 270 delegates representing 72 countries, to work on the coordination of biosphere reserves.The discussions focused on action plans, particularly those linked to other UN biodiversity objectives, management, networks, involving youth, and advancing scientific knowledge in these areas.This session also saw UNESCO approve the designation of 11 new biosphere reserves in 11 countries, including the first-time designations of Belgium and Gambia, as well as two transboundary biosphere reserves. With these new reserves, which span a total area of 37,400 km2 - the equivalent of the size of the Netherlands - the World Network of Biosphere Reserves now comprises 759 sites in 136 countries and regions, covering around 5% of the Earth's surface. Monaco participe à la 36ème session du Conseil international de coordination du Programme sur l'Homme et la Biosphère (CIC-MAB) de l'UNESCO au Maroc 2 © ANDZOA Monaco has been supporting the MAB scholarship programme for young researchers, focusing specifically on research into marine, coastal and island areas, since 2022, the year of the commemorations of the centenary of Prince Albert I's death. This approach is in line with the Principality's commitment to the Ocean Decade - The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.This 36th session saw 7 of the 15 winners receive support from the Prince's Government, during which time the Council chose to name the award the ‘MAB Young Scientist Awards - Prince Albert I of Monaco’, in recognition of the Principality's and its Princes' commitment to scientific development and in honour of Prince Albert I's legacy of support for oceanography and science. The next MAB session will be held in September 2025 at the 5th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves in Hangzhou, China. Launched by UNESCO in 1971, MAB is an intergovernmental scientific programme that aims to establish a scientific basis for enhancing the relationship between people and their environments. This programme combines the natural and social sciences with a view to improving human livelihoods and safeguarding natural and managed ecosystems.The World Network of Biosphere Reserves, based on the MAB programme, is the largest and oldest collection of nature reserves within UNESCO's system.
The Attractiveness Department leads a delegation in Athens
17 июля 2024 г.

The Attractiveness Department leads a delegation in Athens

La délégation monégasque à Athènes ©DR As part of its mandate to promote Monaco abroad and in line with previous missions, the Attractiveness Department, accompanied by a Monegasque delegation led by Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and the Digital Transition, travelled to Athens on 9 and 10 July.This mission’s goal was to consolidate ties between the Principality of Monaco and Greece and explore new opportunities to work together. Certain historians say that the name ‘Monaco’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Monoïkos’, underlining the deep roots shared by the two countries. The Greek community is the 11th largest community in the Principality (IMSEE).The delegation, composed of representatives from the public and private sectors (SBM Group, Société d’Exploitation des Ports de Monaco (SEPM), the Monaco Economic Board, the Monaco Association for Financial Activities (AMAF) and Monaco Private Label) was received by Dr. Vassili Apostolopoulos, the Honorary Consul of Monaco in Greece. Frédéric Genta met with Dr Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou, Member of the Hellenic Parliament and the Greek Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for the Ocean. Delegation members also held talks with business leaders, entrepreneurs and other influential figures. The discussions highlighted several opportunities for cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the areas of investment, yachting, tourism and real estate. Through exchanges with the local press, the mission was an opportunity to raise awareness about the Principality and its potential for economic stakeholders in Greece.Monegasque delegation:  Mr Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and the Digital Transition Ms Chloé Boscagli-Leclercq, Director of Monaco Private Label Ms Sasha Viviani, Section Head, Attractiveness Department of the Prince’s Government Mr Aleco Keusseoglou, CEO of the SEPM (Monaco Ports Operating Company) Mr Justin Highman, on behalf of the Monaco Economic Board Mr Nicolas Feit, on behalf of the Monaco Association for Financial Activities (AMAF) Mr Christian Barilaro, on behalf of the SBM Group Mr Anastasios Economou (former President of the YPO network worldwide) and Ms Katerina Lanara (President of the Hellenic community in Monaco) and Greek residents in the Principality Mr Emmanuel Spanoudis and Ms Elena Vlandis, members of the Monaco Private Label Executive Board.   

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22 мая 2015 года Его Светлейшее Высочество князь Монако Альбер II назначил Ее Превосходительство госпожу Мирей Петтити Чрезвычайным и Полномочным Послом Монако в Российской Федерации. Она вручила верительные грамоты Президенту Российской Федерации Владимиру Владимировичу Путину 28 мая 2015 года. Ее Превосходительство госпожа Мирей Петтити стала вторым Послом Монако в России. Ее резюме приводится ниже:

Россия и Монако

Княжество Монако и Российская Федерация вновь установили дипломатические отношения 11 июля 2006 года. В этот день Посольство Монако и Посольство России во Франции обменялись вербальными нотами. Его Превосходительство Александр Алексеевич Авдеев вручил верительные грамоты Его Светлейшему Высочеству Князю Монако 16 апреля 2007 года, став первым Послом Российской Федерации в Княжестве Монако. На этом посту Его Превосходительство господина Авдеева сменил Его Превосходительство Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Российской Федерации во Франции Александр Константинович Орлов, который вручил верительные грамоты Его Светлейшему Высочеству Князю Монако 24 марта 2009 года.

Формальности и справочная информация

В этом разделе описаны необходимые формальности и представлена полезная информация для поездок в Россию, рассказывается, как действовать в экстренных случаях по приезде в страну и, наконец, как съездить в Монако в качестве туриста или обосноваться там.

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Посольство Монако в России

Ministère d’État
Place de la Visitation
MC 98000 Monaco